Anorexia VS Bulimia general characteristics
- Patients are more difficult to detect because of their body weight may exceed the limit of normal, below normal, or even have a normal body weight.
- Usually the patient is a woman, both teenagers and young adults.
- The main characteristics can be seen from eating patterns such as eating in large quantities and then vomited again or taking laxatives and diuretics to bring up food that has been eaten.
- Have some health problems that arise due to the habit bring up food, such as the occurrence of injuries to the abdominal wall, inflammation of the appendix, irregular heartbeat, kidney damage due to low potassium intake, the destruction of tooth enamel due to the creation of excessive production of acid when vomiting, and cessation of menstruation.
- Anger held because of the inability to express emotion in the usual way. People with bulimia are usually afraid to disappointing people that they love in their environment.
- Have a burning wound on the back of his hand because of the effects of stomach acid which when exposed to vomit.
- Usually the patient is a woman, both teenagers, adults, or who just entered puberty.
- Growing up in a family environment that emphasizes the importance of achievement as the value of family pride.
- Having an excessive concern about the appearance of perfection.
- Have parents who are very busy with their own world. People with anorexia typically feel the need to be perfect in order to get attention from their parents.
- Marked by physical changes such as hair loss, cessation of ovulation and menstruation, slow heartbeat, low blood pressure and unable to withstand the cold.
- People with anorexia will be easily susceptible to osteoporosis due to calcium intake slightly
- if his weight drops below the normal range will cause damage to the liver and other vital organs.
- Disguise their emaciation with clothes and make-up
- Weight bulimia subtype, such as loss of tooth enamel due to acid reflux, when the patient is vomiting. In fact, there are scars on the dorsum of the fingers from being entered into the mouth to induce vomiting.
- Hypokalemi and ECG abnormalities
- Neurologic disorders (such as seizure and neuropathy) and anemia associated with malnutrition and starvation.
- Dry skin and dry, fine hair, and mild alopecia.
that's all Anorexia VS Bulimia general characteristics